About AllTargeting

Welcome to AllTargeting: Where Media Drives Success!

At AllTargeting, we are passionate about harnessing the power of media to propel brands to new heights. With over 8 years of experience, we specialize in influencer marketing and targeted advertising strategies that connect brands with their ideal audience.

Our team of experts is dedicated to crafting innovative campaigns that captivate your target market and deliver tangible results. From top-tier influencers to rising stars, we have exclusive contracts that allow us to create authentic partnerships, ensuring your brand message resonates and engages with your audience.

We have a dedicated Content Department that excels in creating compelling articles, captivating visuals, and engaging videos. Our goal is to leave a lasting impression and drive meaningful engagement, conveying your brand message with precision.

In addition, our Media Department is skilled in forging strategic influencer relationships and securing impactful partnerships. We are continuously expanding our services to include PR solutions, enhancing our ability to support influencers and amplify their reach.

At AllTargeting, we are driven by your success. Our Business Development Department ensures seamless coordination and outstanding outcomes, staying ahead of the ever-evolving media landscape.

Partner with us at AllTargeting and experience the difference media can make. Let us propel your brand to new levels of success through our expertise and unwavering commitment to your growth.

AllTargeting Journey


AllTargeting emerged as a visionary media and advertising agency with a clear mission to revolutionize the way brands connect with their target audience. From humble beginnings, we embarked on a journey fueled by passion, expertise, and a relentless drive for excellence.


We recognized the immense potential of influencer marketing and its ability to shape brand perception and drive meaningful engagement. Armed with this insight, we swiftly carved a niche for ourselves in the industry, establishing exclusive contracts with mega and intermediate influencers in the Middle East. These partnerships became the cornerstone of our success, enabling us to deliver authentic, impactful campaigns that resonated with audiences and delivered exceptional results.


As the digital landscape continued to evolve, so did our expertise. Building upon our foundation in influencer marketing, we expanded our horizons to cater to the needs of online brokers and other brands. Recognizing the demand for trading and investing education, we set out to create a dedicated resource that would empower individuals with the knowledge they needed to navigate the complexities of the financial world. This led to the inception of Flagedu, our comprehensive hub of trading and investing insights, reviews, and educational content. Throughout our journey, our Content Department has been at the forefront of crafting compelling narratives, designing captivating visuals, and producing engaging videos and infographics. We take pride in our ability to capture the essence of brands and convey their messages in a way that captivates audiences and drives meaningful connections.


Our Media Department has consistently forged strategic relationships with influencers, forming powerful alliances that amplify brand visibility and authenticity. Continuously adapting to industry trends, we have expanded our services to include PR solutions, providing comprehensive support to influencers and further strengthening our position as a trusted partner. Guided by our commitment to excellence, we have fostered a collaborative and dynamic environment within AllTargeting. Our Business Development Department plays a pivotal role, driving innovation, optimizing strategies, and ensuring seamless coordination across all our operations. Their tireless efforts have been instrumental in securing outstanding outcomes and exceeding client expectations.


as we reflect upon our journey since 2013, we take pride in the milestones we have achieved and the countless brands we have propelled towards success. AllTargeting remains steadfast in its dedication to staying at the forefront of media and advertising, continuously evolving to meet the ever-changing needs of our clients. With a rich history of innovation, a team of passionate experts, and an unwavering commitment to our clients' success, AllTargeting stands ready to navigate the future of media and drive transformative results for brands around the globe.

AllTargeting is a leading media and advertising agency specializing in influencer marketing, targeted advertising, and strategic media solutions. With over 9 years of industry experience, we have established exclusive contracts with top-tier influencers in the Middle East, enabling us to deliver impactful campaigns and drive exceptional results for our clients. Our dedicated team of experts in content creation, influencer relationships, and business development is committed to exceeding client expectations and propelling brands towards success.